Rabbit farming

In their behaviour towards creatures, all men were Nazis. The smugness with which man could do with other species as he pleased exemplified the most extreme racist theories, the principle that might is right ~ Isaac B Singer – 1978 Nobel prize winner in literature


The Australian rabbit meat industry is unknown to the general public, from the conditions of rabbits in factory farms to their barbaric slaughter. Rabbits are known as companion animals, livestock and vertebrae pests. They fall under so many statutes that none actually protect them.

EVER has developed a rabbit campaign called Down The Rabbit Holes. It is both an educational and an advocacy campaign. It is based on research into the industry of rabbit abuse in Australia. The Campaign is divided in 5 subcampaigns; meat, fur, poisons, testing and companions.

To view the campaign click on the link Down The Rabbit Holes

EVER’s newest publication on rabbits farmed for meat can be found under the publication section or by clicking here. Email us if you require a hard copy.

To view EVER’s presentation at the Animal Activist Forum 2016 click on the following Down The Rabbit Holes presentation link (pdf). This presentation will be available on podcast in?? early 2017.

If you are interested in this research or would like to collaborate with us please contact us via [email protected]